The Association of Polish Papermakers is an organization of scientific, technical and managerial qualities with individual and corporate members whose activities are connected with the paper and paper converting industries.
The Association’s purpose of activity is:
- to integrate papermakers, preserve association tradition and document papermaking history and also create professional ethics among the members, amicable solidarity and mutual remembrance,
- to represent papermakers on the forum of the governmental and local administration organs,
- to create conditions for versatile exchange of information and options on current and future needs of the paper industry and related branches, particularly concerning production quality and quantity, new products, raw materials and intermediates, machine and equipment performance, control and automation of manufacturing processes, power engineering, environmental protection, paper trade, economic, organizational and marketing issues and personnel training.
The above purposes result in three fundamental scopes of activities:
- services for individual and corporate members in the form of conferences, symposia, training seminars, etc. which help to improve professional qualifications and integrate papermakers,
- services for members of the Paper Section, the Corrugated Board Section and the Engineering Section which include issues connected with tariff and protection policies, raw materials, decrease of operating costs, energy, ecology, analysis and preparation of statistics on production, exports and imports of the paper industry products and information in this area,
- general activities for the paper sector. In 1999 the public affairs activities were launched which aims at changing the paper industry image with regard to the environmental policy and influence of the industry on the legislative changes connected with waste paper trade, environmental protection costs. This type of activity embraces communication with the government and parliament, local government, and economic organizations, mass media, environmental organizations, investors, as well as organization of conferences, seminars.