General issues and the recommended standards for corrugated board and corrugated board packaging

Under the auspices of the Polish Association of Polish Papermakers the paper of an info on standards applied in the sector of the corrugated board and packaging made of corrugated board was published. This task has been assigned to a team of experts and producers of corrugated board packagings. Using their know-how and experience as well as the best coopetition practice, the team has presented the essential issues of manufacturing and processing of the corrugated board: manufacturing, technology, logistics and legal requirements applicable to the corrugated board producers.

This paper contains all basic information concerning the raw materials used for the production of corrugated board, types of produced corrugated boards and packagings, the process of manufacturing corrugated board and its processing into packagings, essential parameters of corrugated boards and parameters of packagings made of corrugated board, and finally the information on requirements for packaging that come into contact with foods.

This paper is directed both to persons from the corrugated board sector and to their customers. It may be used as an excellent guide, but also as a basic manual – the ABC for the packaging sector. It should certainly facilitate communication between the two interested parties – packaging producers and their clients

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