The second edition of Józef Roboski’s English – Polish Dictionary of Papermaking is out now.

This updated and revised edition contains 27 320 entries from such fields as: fibrous materials, auxiliaries, manufacture of pulp, paper and board, paper and board converting, machines and equipment, energy, environmental protection, printing, wood and forestry.

Additionally, a certain number of general technical terms was included, especially those often appearing in a professional literature of papermaking.

Price: 110 PLN (including VAT) + shipping cost

The order should be sent to

Słownik papierniczy

How to contact us?

Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

Main office
Pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-007 Łódź

Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
Tel.: (+48 42) 203 24 25

SPP Warsaw Office
Al. Solidarności 117, lok. 408 
00-140 Warszawa

Tel: (+48 22) 440 56 34
Mobile: (+48) 668 12 90 39

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