STF Members meeting with Eleni Despotou, director general of FEFCO

STF Members meeting with Eleni Despotou, director general of FEFCO

On December 11, 2024, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corrugated Board Section was held in Lodz, Poland, during which one of the main points was a meeting with Eleni Despotou, Director General of FEFCO. During the meeting with representatives of STF member companies, Eleni Despotou talked about FEFCO as a Federation, as well as what the organization’s activities are focused on. She stressed that FEFCO’s goal is to be the voice of the corrugated industry, as well as to strive for a sustainable and innovative industry and promote corrugated as a privileged packaging solution. The Federation is guided by goals and priorities such as ensuring a favorable regulatory environment in the EU, supporting members in complying with regulatory requirements, enriching information and acting as a center of technical expertise, promoting corrugated as a sustainable packaging solution, being a strategic partner to EU authorities, and cooperating with other organizations. Eleni also spoke about how FEFCO supports the industry through the activities of individual committees, conducting research, developing reports or social media campaigns. The FEFCO representative devoted a large part of her speech to discussing issues related to the PPWR regulation, including matters of recycling in relation to reuse. She talked about the challenges and opportunities, and what has been achieved.

STF members attending the meeting listened attentively to the information conveyed by FEFCO’s director general, who, summarizing her speech, encouraged cooperation and action, because together we can do more.

Photos: M. Jastrzębski, SPP

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