Conference “Corrugated board – the latest technologies” and “Innovative packaging. Design and manufacture of packaging from solid cardboard”

Two combined conferences on the corrugated, solid board and packaging industry were held on October 14-17, 2024. The organizer of both events was the publishing house Polski Drukarz sp. z o.o., and one of the patrons of the conferences was our Association.

During the 13th Conference “Corrugated board – the latest technologies”, experts in the corrugated board industry were able to exchange experiences and knowledge and attempt to answer difficult questions. Among the speakers there were representatives of the Association of Polish Papermakers: Katarzyna Godlewska (director of the SPP office) and Agnieszka Werner. The ladies delivered a speech entitled “Green Deal – consequences for the industry”, during which they explained the intricacies of such important legal acts for the industry as EUDR (Regulation of the EP and Council on the making available on the Union market and the export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation), PPWR (Regulation of the EP and Council on packaging and packaging waste) or FCM (Regulation of the EP and Council on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food). At the end of the speech, A. Werner invited the audience to the seminar “PPWR and what’s next?” and the International Paper Conference and Exhibition “PROGRESS 2025” – both events organized by our Association (the former still in November this year, and the latter in September 2025.

Meanwhile, on October 15-16, the 8th edition of the conference “Innovative Packaging. Design and production of solid cardboard packaging”. Invited speakers spoke about, among other things, methods of printing and refining packaging taking into account the principles of eco-design, as well as technological innovations for this segment of the printed packaging market.

Photos: Świat Druku and J. Żubrzak, SPP

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Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

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