The 20th anniversary edition of PROGRESS 2022 is behind us

The 20th anniversary edition of the PROGRESS 2022 International Paper Conference and Exhibition is behind us.
We are happy and thankful that you were with us and that we were able to meet in such large numbers.

We would like to thank the honorary patrons: Ministry of Development and Technology, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Mayor of Lodz Hanna Zdanowska; media patron: Przegląd Papierniczy; sponsors: Bank Pekao, Digit Pack Sp. z o o, Valmet, Voith, Kemira, Dienes. We would also like to thank the companies: Eurobox Poland and Kraft-Box for providing beautiful furniture made of corrugated cardboard, which was of great interest to our conference participants and others.

We hope that the conference met expectations and provided both a large dose of knowledge and fostered business and social conversations. We already invite you to the next edition and promise to do our best to make it even better than the one we just finished.

Photos and materials from the conference will be available next week under the QR codes that were included in the conference materials.


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How to contact us?

Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

Main office
Pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-007 Łódź

Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
Tel.: (+48 42) 203 24 25

SPP Warsaw Office
Al. Solidarności 117, lok. 408 
00-140 Warszawa

Tel: (+48 22) 440 56 34
Mobile: (+48) 668 12 90 39

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