The Antwerp Declaration

On 20 February 2024, 73 business leaders spanning 17 sectors presented the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal to Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo. Today over 1,000 organisations spanning 25 sectors join in support.

The Antwerp Declaration calls for a European Industrial Deal to complement the EU Green Deal and safeguard quality jobs in Europe. Europe’s industries are facing the worst economic downturn in a decade at a period when investments are needed to achieve Europe’s transition to climate neutrality. Urgent action is needed to restore the business case for investments in Europe.

We want to see a European industrial deal elevated as a priority of the next EU institutional cycle.

More: The Antwerp Declaration

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Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

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Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
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