Voith Days at Technical University of Łodz

The Voith Days seminar was held at the Technical University of Lodz on April 16-17. During the meeting, Voith presented a wide range of its products. In addition, the audience also had the opportunity to learn about the offer of BTG, which is part of the group. The presentations of new products and solutions emphasized the role of increasing savings and efficiency in the paper manufacturing process. A very interesting presentation was given by the representative of Schumacher, the director of the plant in Myszków – Szymon Zawada. He talked in detail about the investment related to the installation of the new MP2 machine together with Voith. During the seminar, we got acquainted not only with topics directly related to the production or servicing of machines, but also with issues related to the collection and processing of data from various stages of the process in order to optimize it (BTG company presentation).
Jacek Żubrzak, SPP, attended the event.

Photos: J. Żubrzak, J. Wiatroszak

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