Wood Industry Forum 2024

As a Supporting Patron, we are pleased to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Wood Industry Forum (FPD). We will meet on June 13 and 14, 2024 in Warsaw.

FPD is the 3rd edition of the only conference-networking event in PL dedicated to a whole cross-section of the market – companies focused on wood raw material and using wood in their business.

In brief, the Forum is:

  • 2 days of conference
  • 20+ speakers discussing the most current topics for the industry including: update on LP timber sales rules, #EUDR, #FSC, #PEFC, #ESG, current challenges in the timber industry, cost optimization, how to improve industry PR.
  • an excellent lineup of participants – experts representing many industries that use wood in their businesses
  • networking dinner on the first day of the Forum
  • workshops on the second day of the Forum
  • “biforek”, i.e. an evening networking meeting preceding the conference

We invite you together with the organizer @powermeetings.eu to participate and actively discuss during #FPD2024.

See you there!

Galeria zdjęć

How to contact us?

Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

Main office
Pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-007 Łódź

Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
Tel.: (+48 42) 203 24 25
E-mail: info@spp.pl

SPP Warsaw Office
Al. Solidarności 117, lok. 408 
00-140 Warszawa

Tel: (+48 22) 440 56 34
Mobile: (+48) 668 12 90 39
E-mail: biuro@spp.pl

Contact form