Conference of the Parliamentary Group in Kwidzyn

On June 3, 2024, a conference organized by the Pomeranian Voivodeship Parliamentary Group entitled “Prospects for the functioning of the timber industry in the face of new challenges” was held at the cultural center adjacent to the district office, thanks to the initiative of the MM Kwidzyn paper mill. Its most important purpose was to discuss the threats to the timber industry that arise from the recent decisions of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration to restrict access to wood raw material. Among the parliamentarians who came were: senators L. Czarnobaj, St. Gorczyca and deputies A. Pomaska, P. Adamowicz, J. Walesa, as well as MEP J. Lewandowski. Also present was M. Struk – marshal of the Pomeranian voivodeship. The management of Mayr-Melnhof in Kwidzyn was represented by D. Rebane (member of the board of directors for finance), E Pikul (Mill Procurement Manager).

The invitation to participate was extended to representatives of the General Directorate of Forestry headed by J. Fijas – Deputy Director General of LP for forestry, companies operating in the value and supply chain of wood raw material, trade unionists, local government officials, regional media, as well as representatives of companies supporting the activities of our Association (Mondi Świecie, MM Kwidzyn, Stora Enso Ostrołęka). The topic of current challenges for the pulp and paper industry was presented by J. Majewski, who presented an insightful assessment of the impact of current forestry and timber policies, based on empirical data and from the perspective of many years of experience in managing the company’s production operations in Kwidzyn.

During the lively debate, the speakers included representatives of the environment related to the activities of our Association: K. Łagoda (Mondi), J. Turski (SPP general director), and M. Ziarkowski – trade unionist at MM Kwidzyn (member of the national secretariat of the NSZZ Solidarity).

In conclusion, the conference stressed that strategic decision-making in the area of forestry and timber industry policy – requires fair and patient consultation with a diverse community of stakeholders, while taking care that the Ministry of the Environment maintains appropriate parity in the selection of bodies in the process of giving its opinion on the changes to be made.

Photos: J. Turski, SPP

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