Paper & Beyond

November 29-30, 2022. The Confederation of the European Paper Industry (Cepi) organized the regular paper industry conference “Paper & Beyond’22”. The slogan of the event: “Green and Resilient.” This year’s two-day conference had a special character and course, as it coincided with Cepi’s 30th anniversary. Moreover, it was realized after the pause caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to representatives of numerous paper companies and representatives of other wood-based industries along the entire value chain, the debates were attended by representatives of the most important EU institutions (Parliament and European Commission). The discussions, covering diverse issues related to the need to implement EU policy priorities, involved industry representatives, academics and researchers, consultants, service and supply providers, as well as politicians and decision-makers situated at various levels of EU bodies.

Inspiring discussions, answers to questions, demands addressed to Cepi took place with the substantive involvement of about 50 speakers, within the framework of 14 separate thematic panels, some of them held in parallel, including debates conducted in the convention of so-called high-level sessions. The conference organizers invited authorities of other European industry organizations (Cepi ContainerBoard (CCB), European Tissue Symposium (ETS), European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO), Group of European Market Wood Pulp users (UTIPULP).

The program for this year’s conference covered a range of issues that address both the challenges for the paper industry in the medium and long term (Fit fot 55: 2030 / Green Deal: 2050), as well as the need to respond to the threats posed by present conditions (energy crisis, broken supply chain, rising operating costs and inflation). Among the specific issues under lively discussion were a draft EC regulation deeply amending the PPWD, new legislative proposals on Green Claims, Ecodesign for Sustainable Products, CBAM, new targets for the RES sector – LULUCF – Forest Strategy – Biodiversity – Nature Restoration Plan.

Interesting discussions emphasized the need for tremendous mobilization of entrepreneurs in response to the increasingly ambitious goals proposed by Community leaders. The need for a combined effort involving organizational structures representing the interests of the entire value and supply chain was also pointed out. In the full program of the conference, as well as in the events accompanying it, our Association was represented by J. Turski (SPP General Director).

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How to contact us?

Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

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Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
Tel.: (+48 42) 203 24 25

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