Polish Circular Forum

The third edition of the Polish Circular Forum, dedicated to the ambitious goals of circularity and zero-carbon, took place in Warsaw on June 13.

The event was aimed at business representatives along the entire value chain – from raw material producers to recyclers – as well as public administration, industry and non-governmental organizations and the media. During the event, representatives of industries dealing with the challenges posed by, among others, the European Green Deal on a daily basis could meet and exchange experiences and views. The organizers of the Polish Circular Forum were the Cluster of Waste Management and Recycling – National Key Cluster and the PlasticsEurope Poland Foundation. On the part of our Association, the Forum was attended by Agnieszka Werner and Jacek Żubrzak.

Forum participants were engaged in a debate in the innovative formula of Circular Roundtables, jointly developing recommendations for various thematic areas and industries in the field of sustainable economy. In addition, during the event, Loredana Capone, President and member of the Regional Council of Puglia | ENVE member, spoke in a video broadcast about the role of local and regional governments in the transition to a circular economy. Eco-design for sustainable product was discussed by: Katarzyna Błachowicz, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Cluster of Waste Management and Recycling and Anna Szajkowska, Legal and Policy Officer, Department: Sustainable Products at Directorate General Environment. Agnieszka Zdanowicz, Vice President of the Board of the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster and Patrycja Zeszutek, Director of the Department of Innovation and Development Support Program of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy discussed issues related to funds supporting green investments, and Anna Kozera-Szałkowska, Managing Director of the PlasticsEurope Polska Foundation interviewed Umberto Credali, President of Plastics Europe Polska, Board Member and Sales Director of BOP on the circular transformation of plastics and plastics-based sectors. There was also a speech by Marcin Podgórski, Director of the Department of Waste Management, Emissions and Integrated Permits of the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in Warsaw.

Photos:. J. Żubrzak, SPP

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