Representatives of the SPP participate in consultations on the EPR with the participation of MKiŚ
On February 13, 2024, an information and consultation meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce with the participation of Anita Sowinska – Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment. The leading purpose was to discuss problems related to the implementation of EU regulations on extended producer responsibility (EPR) on national grounds. By 5.01.2023, EU member states were required to ensure compliance of national legislation with the EPR system, i.e. Extended Producer Responsibility, established by the amendment of EP and Council Directive 2008/98/EC of 19.11.2008 on waste and repealing certain other directives in the field of waste management. The implementation of the aforementioned solutions into the national legal order is to take place, among others, through the amendment of the Act of June 13, 2013 on packaging and packaging waste management. During the discussion, the challenges faced by packaging producers in Poland were highlighted, and attention was drawn to the delay in the transposition of the EPR into the national legal order. Many speeches concerned the lack of formation of mechanisms to benefit from the effect of the “eco-modulation”, the lack of tools to stimulate producers to design resource-efficient packaging, the lack of functioning of satisfactory quality of selective collection of packaging waste, which undermines the increase in the level of recycling. On behalf of our Association, the participants of the meeting were: K. Godlewska (member of the Committee on Environmental Protection of the Polish Chamber of Commerce), J. Turski (dir. Gen. SPP), J. Majewski (MM Kwidzyn). The ability to effectively transpose the provisions of the new PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) will largely depend on the effective implementation of the EPR. The detailed provisions of the document are currently being formulated by the EU’s top level bodies, in a procedure known as a trilogue. The final of the arrangements on the issue under consideration is coordinated by the Belgian presidency (from 1.10.2024) and includes technical negotiations and part of the political dialogue, with the participation of the Council – EP – EC. The final of the whole process is expected to take place on March 4 this year.
Photos: National Chamber of Commerce