FPE Manifesto – Towards a sustainable and competitive European fibre-based packaging value chain

In anticipation of the new term of the European Parliament, which will hold its first plenary session in July, Fibre Packaging Europe drafted its Manifesto for a sustainable and competitive European fibre-based packaging value chain.

The objective of the document is to educate the new European Parliament with facts and figures on both our sector and products, and to communicate our key policy recommendations for fibre-based packaging for the new political term.

Our policy recommendations are built around three pillars:

  1. Promote the role of European bio-based raw materials for a competitive EU
  2. Ensure a regulatory framework that recognises the circularity of the paper value chain
  3. Recognise the role of fibre-based packaging in ensuring food safety and reducing food waste

FPE members will be using the FPE Manifesto as supporting material in meetings with the new European Parliament. To further promote FPE and the Manifesto, FPE is planning to hold a promotional event in autumn 2024. Details on the date, format and location of the event will follow in the coming weeks.

FPE will draft a more targeted version of this Manifesto for the new Commission, which will take office in Q4 2024.

How to contact us?

Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
The Association of Polish Papermakers

Main office
Pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-007 Łódź

Tel.: (+48 42) 630 01 17
Tel.: (+48 42) 203 24 25
E-mail: info@spp.pl

SPP Warsaw Office
Al. Solidarności 117, lok. 408 
00-140 Warszawa

Tel: (+48 22) 440 56 34
Mobile: (+48) 668 12 90 39
E-mail: biuro@spp.pl

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