EU Industry Days

Z inicjatywy Komisji Europejskiej w dniach 23-26 lutego 2021 r. odbędą się Europejskie Dni Przemysłu – EU Industry Days.
To coroczne wydarzenie, przeniesione w tym roku do sfery wirtualnej z uwagi na panującą pandemię, to jedna z najważniejszych platform dyskusyjnych dla przemysłu w Europie, gdzie poruszane są tematy wyzwań dla przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, możliwości rozwoju oraz kwestii legislacyjnych. Tegoroczna edycja poświęcona będzie zielonej transformacji, cyfryzacji oraz przemianom, które czekają nas w post-Covidowej rzeczywistości.
The 2021 edition of EU Industry Days focuses on opportunities. Amid the accelerated transformation and the changing global competitive landscape, the European industrial strategy builds a business case for greener, more digital and resilient industry. It provides tools to support our industrial ecosystems in this transformation and reinforce their global competitiveness. At the same time, it replies to Europe’s societal call to create new quality jobs while respecting planetary boundaries.
Since the first edition in 2017, the EU Industry Days established themselves as the European Commission’s main platform for an open stakeholder dialogue and discussion on industry. In 2021 we go fully digital. And bigger, as this edition will encompass even more various views and opinions in panel discussions, keynote speeches, networking opportunities, digital exposition, podcast and many exciting announcements concerning various opportunities offered by the industrial transition.
The 2021 EU Industry Days will take place in a special context. We want the next 10 years to be Europe’s digital decade. And the new 2030 target for emission reduction of at least 55% to bring significant opportunities for our companies. The COVID pandemic has disrupted both the economic and social reality. But Europe will not divert from the green and digital direction, but rather accelerate the transformation using the ongoing recovery efforts. The main question we want to ask is how to use this crisis as a unique opportunity to rethink our economic, social and industrial reality. As a catalyst for change and new growth opportunities.
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